Treatment For Hemorrhoids - 3 Biggest Mistakes To Avoid Piles

This myth is stated in some places to avoid warm floors like sidewalks while in other places it's thought that cold surfaces are what cause piles. It's not true that the surface temperature has anything to do with the chance of having a piles problem. When someone does have piles warm surfaces as well as cold surfaces are soothing as both can help reduce swelling. But it is a good idea to not sit down on hard surfaces all day long with dealing with piles.

The reason for this is that these piles remedies and medications do not treat hemorrhoids right at its cause. They just deal with its symptoms. What is worse is that it is possible that they have side effects that will put you through more harm instead of treating your hemorrhoids.


Other piles remedies include taking a sitz bath. A sitz bath is a method of bathing in which simply the lower parts of your body are covered in shallow water. To the sitz bath, you could add some Epsom salts. The salts have soothing and softening properties also, and can be found at the drug store. A carton of Epsom salts are inexpensive and many people enjoy soaking in an Epsom salt bath.

After knowing the main causes, we can then focus on tackling piles and preventing hemorrhoids. First of all, we need to change our diet to include more fiber and water as they can help to prevent piles. Exercise does help too! We should also avoid lifting heavy weights or other heavy objects in any incorrect posture. In addition, we should minimize the time spent in the bathroom. Remember the ultimate motive of visiting the toilet. Well, all these measures help to reduce or eliminate the pressure on blood vessels.

Diet in piles during pregnancy is very much common as the baby can exert a lot of pressure to the anal and rectal muscles which causes the veins to swell ultimately leading to bleeding piles. But this is not of alarming nature and after pregnancy this condition will go off, there is no need to visit a physician, use of laxatives will alleviate the problem. But Women who suffer from Piles before pregnancy may also develop hemorrhoids when they are expecting.



Fix the chronic cough or sneeze. - This is an overlooked cause of piles. Those who chronically sneeze or cough can actually suffer from piles as well because of all the pressure these two things put on the anal region all day.

Don't Strain. It's important not to strain your bowels when you read more are having a bowel movement. You worsen your piles when you strain, which is usually the result of having stools that are too solid. This puts pressure on the blood vessels in your anal area.

Remember that hemorrhoids are not fun at all and are painful. This is especially so with thrombosed hemorrhoids. Therefore I will advise you to do all your best you can to prevent getting piles and to keep yourself healthy and pain free.

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